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My souls Journey to find Peace.

Hi, welcome to the 4Peace Wear store and the Bury Your Inner Weapons 4 Peace global peace movement blog!

This is the heart and soul of the movement. We will be sharing my story and featuring other inspirational stories of a journey to peace and inner peace navigating the hard knocks of life’s dark and lonely roads that have found peaceful destinations.

I am Stewart Marriott the co-founder of the movement and as promised I will be sharing my life’s journey to find peace with the followers of this blog. I feel its important to be honest and as transparent as possible with the hows and the whys of life to better put into perspective the deeply personal reasons for this 100 Million People 4Peace movement and the vital importance of individual soul journey’s to find, carry and develop greater inner-peace!

I’m not a writer by trade and this blog has no editor so please be patient with my weakness in writing and possibly over look a few sentence structure flaws and other grammatical errors as I present these stories.

Thanks for tuning into this blog.

More real and raw expression and many many life experiences coming soon. As the brilliantly compassionate Mother Teresa protested, “If you are having an anti war rally no need to invite me but I will be honored to attend your next Peace Rally.” This is the philosophy behind why we are not anti anything but simply and powerfully FOR PEACE!!!

May the power of peace abide in and through you, Happy Peace Day!





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Welcome to 4Peace Wear’s online store!

Hi, I’m Stewart Marriott the co-founder of the 4Peace Wear store and global movement. Welcome to our new online store. I invite you to learn more about why we have designed these exclusive products and the positive impact we are striving to create globally.

100% of the proceeds from this online store are reinvested into the, “Bury Your Inner Weapons 4 Peace” global inner-peace movement with a goal and purpose of inspiring 100 million people globally to increase their inner-peace.

We hope you will enjoy our carefully designed products and share your passion 4Peace with your friends! I will be sharing my personal journey and struggles to bury my inner-weapons 4peace on this blog along with inspirational stories from around the globe.

Our clothing and accessories proudly display an ancient indigenous symbol of peace, the broken arrow. As you rock the broken arrow you will feel empowered to be your best self while showing the world you boldly stand 4Peace!!!

We are not intimidated by the many faces of fear and hate that so often plague our global societies.

We Stand For:





In an increasingly divided world we are the calm within the storm. May your life be filled with wonderful beauty, endless joy and inner-peace.


Thank you  for your support,

4Peace Movement Co-Founder and CEO
