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The Kids 4Peace and Teens 4Peace Schools/ Churches and other social change groups initiative

The Kids 4Peace and Teens 4Peace Schools/ Churches and other social change groups initiative

The core concept of the 4Peace movement:

The amazing and inspirational Mother Teresa had a lifelong practice of focusing on what she wanted instead of what she didn’t want.
Whenever she was offered to attend an event that was anti or against something like an anti-war rally she would often reply, “No thank you, however please invite me to your next rally for peace.”
She deeply understood the vast possibilities and power of having your entire focus concentrated on the exact thing you wanted to accomplish rather than to giving your focus to fighting against the thing or things that you do not want.
To be against something is not where our power is!! This is why the 4Peace movement is not anti anything however we are passionately standing for peace!!!

Our Programs easy implementation:

We have created an entirely kid and teen run structure with fun to wear physical reminders of peace and online resources for guidance and inspiration.
Friendly invitations can be extended to schools and other groups which are open to the possibility adding “Peace” to their social change groups.
Many groups are organized into; Anti-Hate groups or Anti-bullying standing against unwanted behaviors. We simply extend the opportunity for these groups to additionally stand for peace!
*5 to 10 New 4Peace ambassadors per organization is the core size we suggest.
*Any existing group of activists can become passionate ambassadors 4Peace or a new group of 5 to 10 Kids can be established as a brand new 4Peace group.

The Details:

Each new 4Peace ambassador signs the, “I Stand 4Peace Promise.” The promise statement clearly states that peace ambassadors agree to truly strive to exemplify the four outward principles of peace in all places and at all times. To truly show the world that they stand for; KINDNESS, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE and RESPECT.


4 KINDNESS – I lead with kindness in all I do, speaking kind words to myself and others. I do kind deeds lifting up others.
4 COMPASSION- I recognize the feelings of those around me and offer assistance when I see an opportunity to serve.
4 TOLERANCE- I celebrate diversity and support expressions of individuality. I see the good in all situations and strive to be the good in all situations.
4 RESPECT- I have an inner reverence for all life. I am respectful of all people, creeds, colors, points of view and customs.
Each Peace Ambassador after signing the, “I Stand 4 Peace Promise,” receives the following sponsor donated items to outwardly show their inner commitment to peace.

1)  “Peace Pack” backpack  or bag.

2)  Bury Your Inner Weapons 4Peace t-shirt and/or hat.

3) Unlimited access to the 4Peace blog and the 4Peace Social Media network.

4) Exclusive discounts on the 4Peace Wear online store.

5) VIP invitations to all 4Peace global events and showcases. Including 4Peace media premiers like; film releases, music releases, art shows etc…

Each 4Peace Ambassador proudly wears their donated items showing the global movements symbol of peace “The Broken Arrow” as they strive to be top examples of the 4 core attributes of peace; kindness, compassion, tolerance and respect for themselves and others.
It’s Super easy and simple!
Starting at just $600.00 any organization in America could become a Kids or Teens 4Peace Sponsored group!
Making a difference is affordable and easy. Any Business or individual can become a sponsor today!
Call direct for more info.
Stewart Marriott
Founder and CEO of the global Kids 4Peace Movement for more details.
321-298-2212 cell
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7 Peace Symbols (That Aren’t the Peace Symbol)

In a world full of symbols which one is the authentic symbol of Peace?

I’m sharing the below article titled 7 Peace Symbols (That Aren’t the Peace Symbol) written by Nick Keppler to show the origins of some widely accepted symbols of peace and their modern and recent adaptations from their original origins. After reading this article it brings an interesting question to mind that may be worth answering. Is there a true an ancient symbol of peace? If so who created it and used it???

Enjoy the article,





7 Peace Symbols (That Aren’t the Peace Symbol)


FEBRUARY 24, 2016


7 Peace Symbols (That Aren’t the Peace Symbol)

Much like a simple stock image that becomes a meme, the peace sign was invented for one specific purpose and adapted for much broader ones by countless people across the globe. British artist and activist Gerald Holtom designed the emblem in 1958 for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Holtom based its look on the flag semaphore movements for an N (two flags pointed down at angles) and D (one flag straight up, the other straight down), for “nuclear disarmament.” He also based it on the peasant before the firing squad in Goya’s The Third of May 1808.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament produced a series of ceramic buttons with the symbol for demonstrations, but the design was embraced around the world and became a general anti-war symbol. While it may be ubiquitous, it’s not the only symbol of peace. Here are seven others that you might want to add to the back of your car.


The use of the olive branch as a symbol for peace and end of conflict dates back to ancient Greece, where it was worn by brides and bestowed on Olympic winners. In mythology, the sea god Poseidon once battled the wisdom goddess Athena for rule of Athens. Poseidon dug his trident into the ground and produced a well of ocean water. Athena hurled her javelin and out of the earth came an olive tree. This was more valued by the citizenry than a limitless supply of undrinkable water, and the city rallied to Athena (hence its name). The olive tree continues this significance in the Abrahamic faiths.


In the Bible, when the flood waters receded, Noah sent out a dove which returned with an olive leaf, indicating life had returned to the earth (Genesis 8:10 – 11). (It was an old sailor’s trick: Release a bird and note its direction upon return to find land.) This tale imbued the bird as a symbol of peace and holiness. It appears in Judeo-Christian iconography, often with a sprig in its beak. Like the olive branch, the dove as a symbol is probably borrowed from other Near East and Mediterranean sources. It was strewn through ancient temples and associated with the goddesses Asherah, Venus, and Fortunata. Picasso’s Dove, meanwhile, became a symbol to Cold War-era peace activism.



The sprouting of poppy flowers on battlefields and grave sites across Europe marked the conclusion of World War I. The flowers feature prominently in John McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Fields.” After the war, the Royal British Legion (a nonprofit similar to the American Legion) promoted the wearing of red poppies on November 11, which is Remembrance Day. Britons also place wreaths of them on graves. In 1933, the anti-war Women’s Co-operative Guild began selling white poppies to embody both remembrance and pacifism. The whiteness symbolized a lack of bloodshed.

While they were not meant to conflict with the red poppy, the white poppy has sometimes been seen as a political symbol. According to the BBC, “many veterans felt that its significance undermined their contribution and the lasting meaning of the red poppy. Such was the seriousness of this issue that some women lost their jobs in the 1930s for wearing white poppies.” Today, however, the Royal British Legion neither condemns nor endorses them. Another group, the Peace Pledge Union, has taken over the white poppy push.


Getty Image

The “V” gesture, middle and index fingers raised, is a versatile and long-lived one. Promoted by BBC presenter Douglas “Colonel Britton” Ritchie, resistance fighters in German-occupied territories used it as a symbol of camaraderie and strength during World War II—it is the first letter of the French, Flemish, and English words for victory (victoirevrijheid, and victory, respectively). UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill adopted it to stand for the English victory, and Charles de Gaulle was known to flash a full-arm version of the V-sign during speeches. Extended to embody the end of that conflict, it was then co-opted by ’60s lefties as an anti-war symbol, though they certainly had no exclusive domain over it (President Richard Nixon famously flashed two V’s upon his exit from the White House).



Sadako Sasaki was 2 years old when the atomic bomb landed on Hiroshima. Due to radiation, she developed leukemia. Her final days were spent constructing origami cranes, reportedly after being told about a bit of Japanese folklore that promises the granting of a wish to whoever produces 1000 of them. Some say Sadako reached the benchmark but kept going, while others say that she reached 644 paper cranes before she was too weak to continue, dying in 1955 at age 12. Her story inspired the adoption of the paper bird as a symbol of peace in Japan. A statue of the girl stands in Hiroshima’s Peace Park, and another, in Seattle’s Peace Park, is often draped in paper cranes by anonymous visitors.


WikimediaCommons // CC BY-SA 3.0

For a peace march in 1961, philosopher and activist Aldo Capitini had several colored stripes sewn together to make a flag. Rainbow versions of it (independent of the similar gay pride flag), usually adorned with the world pace(Italian for “peace”), have spread and endured across the country. Pace flags underwent a resurgence in 2002 due to the buildup to the second Gulf War.


Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

London-based group War Resisters’ International uses an illustration of two hands breaking a rifle in two as its logo. Founded in 1921, the alliance is active in more than 40 countries and uses the cross-cultural simplicity of the emblem to convey its message. The Broken Rifle is also the name of its newsletter.

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Bury Your Inner-Weapons 4Peace!

The world has never seen a Peace Movement like, “Bury Your Inner-Weapons 4Peace” yet!!!

A whole new world of better thinking with in our grasp! The ancient Indigenous used the broken arrow as their sacred symbol of peace. Many have never learned the true history of North America and how select groups of Indigenous tribes obtained peace after many years of horrible blood shed and rivalry. We will share many of there successful methods on this blog over time.

Claim your place in history by rising up and Rocking the Broken Arrow, a new symbol of Peace for our day and time!

Peace, Joy and Prosperity


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How our view of the World shapes our daily interactions

How our view of the World shapes our daily interactions.

It’s not rocket science really is it? 

If we have a belief that the world is unfriendly, then we will only continue to put power behind this belief and so our actions will change accordingly and we will do what we can to protect ourselves against others. We will constantly be expecting bad news.

On the other hand, if we decide that the universe is friendly, then we will only do things to help others and the world will no doubt play out this belief and good things will happen to us.

The point is, how we choose to view the world will ultimately define how we live our lives and what comes back to us. If we approach people with an angry, frustrated attitude and an expectation that they too will be angry, then hey guess what, it’s highly likely they will pick up on this and fulfill our very desire.

If however, we approach people with kindness and an expectation that they will be friendly, then they will put down their barriers and give back to us what we initially gave out.

It’s really quite a simple principle:

••••You get what you give out.••••

Perhaps you can spend today thinking about how you view the world and what your general everyday expectations are?

If you find that your view of the World is far from friendly, then maybe it’s time to make some changes.


Simple Life Strategy: Establishing a Healthy View of the World

1. Spend a few moments thinking about Einstein’s question: “Is the Universe a friendly place?”

2. Be honest with yourself and notice what pops up. Can you honestly say that you believe the world is more friendly than hostile?

3. Think about how you generally approach other people and situations? Do you start by expecting the worst, do you find it hard to trust others? Or do you enter relationships and events with a positive outlook?

4. Do you only see the best in people? Or are you constantly looking at the faults and flaws of others?

5. If you feel like your view of the world could do with a shake-up, now is the time to consider what Einstein has said (he was a genius after-all). Perhaps you could experiment by approaching a stranger as if they were a friend and notice how they react to you? Or going into your next situation expecting only the best from others.

This is the 1st day of a potential awakening or at the very least an amazing shift in consciousness to get more of what you want in life and less of what you don’t know.

We all have Inner Weapons to Bury and small changes in focus to win the day and receive the things we want more of.


Enjoy the life you create,

